Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dump the Voting System

This letter to the editor appeared in the Spokesman Review on September 7, 2006.

Whoa! I got voting ballots in the mail today and find out that we can only vote for one party now. This does not appear to be a description of voter's rights or democracy to me! Whose idea is this? The politicians? Management for those who don't understand our system?

It seems it came into existence after the Bush/Kerry situation.

Voter's rights mean the ability to vote for any person(s) that a voter wishes, whether they are Republican, Democrat or nonpartisan.

To vote for a person who is Democrat and another person who is Republican can no longer be done!

An idea came to just write the other party's name in the write in space but then read the directions and it said the ballet would be thrown out if we did this.

What other rights must we suffer losing? If we don't fight this type voting system, we are going to be in a party dictatorship very soon.

Bobbie Wyatt, Washtunca, Wash.

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